Kiwanis & Elks In "AKtion"
Members of the Middleboro MA Elks and AKtion Club collected and cleaned over 5,000 empty pill bottles. The Kwanis AKtion Club, is an integrated group of people with and without disabilities, whose main focus is community service. The Middleboro Kiwanis AKtion Club meet twice per month at the Middleboro Elks. AKtion Club members and Middleboro Elks members worked collaboratively to make and distribute collection boxes, and to remove all of the labels off of over 5,000 prescription and over the counter pill bottles. The empty and cleaned pill bottles were then sent to Matthew 25 Ministries. In developing countries, medicines—when actually obtainable—are often dispensed into hands, pockets, leaves or any other available container. Matthew 25 Ministries accepts donations of basic medical supplies such as empty pill bottles to help improve health care quality in developing nations. Donations of clean, unlabeled pill bottles help the poorest of the poor in many ways: Medicine can be distributed in sterile containers. Pill bottles that are not appropriate for shipping are recycled for cash that goes towards Matthew 25:Ministries’ programs.
Middleboro MA Elks #1274 and Kiwanis AKtion Club
worked together to recycle more than 5,000 empty pill bottles
for re-use in third world countries!
Aktion club members Kevin O’Hara, Ricky Stewart, Evan Adelman, Paul Henderson,
Robin Marques ,Donna Powers, Kelsi Snook and Middleboro Elks member Laura O’Connor,
cleaning and shipping 5 large boxes full of pill bottles.